Please help us to keep this site up to date. Things change all the time - cycle routes are diverted, policies are altered, prices go up. We do our best to give you the latest information on cycling in Holland. As nothing stays the same, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you find things have changed. This way we can ensure the site stays as up to date as possible.

Liability is not liable for the content of websites and other information from third parties which is available through the website.
Personal advice aims to be a guide to cycling in Holland. We are not a travel agency. We can't offer personal advice and information to our visitors. If you want personal advice on accommodation or transport, please consult your travel agency or go to the website of the organisation in question - you'll find most links on this website.
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Do you happen to recognise yourself on one of our photos? We hope you don't mind being portrayed on our site. If you do object, please let us know so we can replace the picture.