On 12 and 13 April the third International Cargo Bike Festival will take place in Nijmegen. It’s is the biggest platform for cargo bikes and cycle logistics in the world.

On Saturday you can attend the European Cycle Logistics Federation Conference. Here national and international keynote speakers will share their views on how bike friendly infrastructure and the use of the cargo bike in business can change our cities. Everybody is welcome to attend the conference, but you do need to register in advance.
Sunday’s programme is the fun part of the festival. The day starts with the Cargo Bike Parade from the Grote Markt in the centre of to the Vasim. Unfortunately we don't have a cargo bike, so we won't be taking part in te parade. But we will be there to take photos for those of you who can’t make it to Nijmegen. In the afternoon there will be workshops, cargo bike catered food and drinks, music and a lot more at the Cargo Bike Festival.