What gear do you need for a cycling holiday in Holland? Everybody has their own standard holiday packing list, so as far as your general travelling gear is concerned: bring what you feel is necessary. There are some essentials cyclists should remember to bring when they come to Holland. Here is a basic packing list.

- Bicycle - in good working order. Read more on: What kind of bicycle do I need?
- Good locks for your bike - preferably two. Read more on: Bicycle theft - how to avoid the pitfalls?
- Basic bike repair kit - this should at least include a bicycle pump, the necessary tools and equipment for mending a puncture and a spare inner tube. Read more on: Bicycle repair
- Non-standard spare parts which might not be available everywhere - ask your local bike dealer
- Bike helmet - optional, not compulsory in Holland. Read more on: Traffic rules & regulations
- Bicycle bags - preferably waterproof
- Maps/ GPS /Guide books/ Apps. Read more on: Maps & books
- Bicycle map holder - preferably waterproof
- Reliable waterproof clothing - coat and trousers
- Something for warm days
- Something for cold and windy days
Just in case...
- Basic first aid kit
- Sun cream. Read more on: Health
- Insect repellent
- Water bottle. Read more on: Health
Compulsory identification
Please note that in Holland everyone must be able to identify themselves when requested to do so by police and other officials. You must have a valid identification document on you at all times.