The Hague is one of the greenest cities in Holland, so what better way of getting around than by bike. Unfortunately, bicycle theft and vandalism are a real issue. So use a guarded bike parking facility when possible. There are several of them in the centre of The Hague.

Where to park your bicycle
Basically you're allowed to park your bicycle anywhere, as long as there are no signs saying it's a no bike parking area and your bike is not in other people's way. Unfortunately, bicycle theft and vandalism are common occurrences in Holland. So look carefully where you leave your bike and lock your bike at all times.
The Hague has a strict bike parking policy. Signs indicate where it's forbidden to leave your bike. Look out for signs saying Verboden fietsen te plaatsen (Forbidden to park bikes). It's forbidden to park your bike on the Grote Markt. All illegally parked bikes will be removed by the police and taken to the Biesieklette bike parking facility on the Grote Markt. Parking your bike there is free of charge for the first day, so you might as well save yourself the hassle and park your bike there in the first place!
Be warned: wrongly and dangerously parked bikes, abandoned bikes and bikes left out on the street for longer than 28 days may be removed by the police. To retrieve your bike, you need to go to the Fietsdepot (Bicycle Depot), where you'll have to pay a small fine. For more information on where and how to collect your bike, go to the Fietsdepot Haaglanden website (in Dutch only).
Bike theft
In Holland hundreds of thousands of bicycles are stolen every year - especially in the big cities. Whether you’re just popping into a shop or enjoying refreshments on a terrace, leaving your bicycle unlocked is never an option. Anybody might grab your bike and cycle off and rest assured: somebody will.
If you're bringing your own bike to The Hague, make sure it has good locks (preferably two) and use them at all times. Here are some top tips from the police for preventing bike theft.
Guarded bicycle parking
Bike theft is a real issue in The Hague. Even if you've locked you bike properly, you might find it missing on your return. Especially if you have an expensive bike, or depend on it for your holiday, it's advisable to use one of the guarded bike parking facilities. Some are free, some charge a small fee. It is not possible to book a place in advance.
Free guarded bike parking
The Hague City Council provides guarded bike parking in the centre of The Hague which is free of charge for the first day (i.e. until closing time). After that you pay a small fee. Please note that for a cargo bike you'll be charged a fee at all times. On the website of The Hague City Council you'll find an overview of all guarded bike parking facilities in the city centre.
Paid guarded bike parking
Biesieklette runs guarded bike parking facilities on various locations in The Hague and Scheveningen. They provide free guarded bike parking in the centre of The Hague for The Hague City Council (see above). They also have commercial bike park facilities outside the centre where you're might be charged a small fee. On the Biesieklette website you'll find an overview of all their guarded bike parking facilities. The website is in Dutch, but it's useful even if you don't understand the language. Just click on the name of the location you're interested in. This takes you to a new page with an interactive map with the exact location of the bike parking facility, opening hours, fees and additional services.
There are also guarded bike parking facilities at train stations The Hague Central and The Haag Hollands Spoor. Here you pay a small fee per day.
Useful terminology
fiets = bike
gratis = free of charge
fietsenstalling = bike parking facility
bewaakte stalling = guarded bike parking facility
fietspomp aanwezig voor gebruik = bicycle pump available for use
elektrische fiets oplaadpunt = electric bike charge point
fietsverhuur = bike rental
werkplaats = bike repair
The Hague residents who don't have a safe place to leave their bike at home, often get a year ticket for a guarded bicycle park near their home. It works out cheaper than constantly replacing stolen bikes! To find a guarded bike parking facility near your home, go to the Buurtstalling Den Haag website (in Dutch).
For more general information on parking your bike in Holland, go to Bicycle parking.